Code of Conduct for Contracted Personnel

Effective October 1st, 2017

pdf ATC Code of Conduct


Aldershot Tennis Club (referred to hereafter as “ATC”) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional excellence consistent with our core values.

ATC’s core values are:

  • Integrity
  • Intellectual Freedom
  • Accessibility
  • Anti Violence
  • Diversity

This Code of Conduct (referred to hereafter as “Code”) has been established to ensure that all contracted personnel adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct. This policy is not intended to address every situation and represents general standards and
expectations for all contracted personnel. Each contracted person has the obligation to ensure compliance with the Code, which is a
condition of their contract with ATC. Failure to comply with the Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination
of their contract with ATC.


The Code clarifies ATC’s expectations for all ATC contracted personnel by establishing clear and reasonable standards of conduct and provides guidance in the actual determination of appropriate conduct in the at ATC. The conduct of ATC contracted personnel should demonstrate integrity, transparency and dignity. 

Contracted personnel are expected to display behaviour that is above reproach, and that can withstand public scrutiny. The Code is meant to prevent both contracted personnel and ATC from placing the Club at risk.


The Code includes principles outlined in various ATC policies and practices. The Code supports, but does not replace the use of good judgment regarding personal and professional conduct. 

The absence of a specific policy or regulation or Code provision does not dismiss any contracted personnel from the responsibility of exercising the highest standards of conduct in all situations. 

The Code itself does not alter or replace additional ATC policies already in place that may be more restrictive or specialized (e.g. ATC’s Anti-Harassment Policy).

Matters requiring interpretation of the Code are to be referred to the President of ATC. Matters requiring interpretation of the Code where the ATC President’s actions are in question are to be referred to the ATC Board.

4. SCOPE – This policy applies to all ATC contracted personnel.


  • All contracted personnel are required to comply with all laws and legislation and avoid situations where they become party to a breach, evasion or subversion of the law.


All contracted personnel must strive to:

  • conduct themselves in a manner that protects ATC’s reputation and ensures continued confidence in the Club;
  • treat all persons honestly and fairly, and with proper regard for their rights, entitlements, duties and obligations, and to act responsibly in the performance of their duties always;
  • be professional and courteous in dealing with fellow ATC contracted personnel, Board members, to resolve any work-related disagreements in a mature manner, based on reasonable expectations;
  • carry out their duties in a fair, impartial, and transparent manner;
  • promote the health and safety of others;
  • avoid using their position improperly for personal advantage;
  • avoid using insider information, internal protocols or procedures for personal gain;
  • resolve any conflict between personal interests and public duty in favour of the public interest; and
  • ensure that they take all steps to ascertain that Personal Information and Confidential Information obtained during their term is safeguarded and protected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), or as
  • required by other laws.


ATC contracted personnel interact with club members, community agencies, contractors, suppliers, and the public daily. It is through professionalism, courtesy and objectivity in these interactions that contracted personnel achieve respect for one another. 

Contracted personnel are viewed as ambassadors of the Club and are expected to reflect a professional image while exercising the conditions of their contract. Contracted personnel do this by being conscious of the Clubs public duty and by conducting themselves with the highest degree of moral and ethical behaviour and integrity. 

Conduct must be without reproach. Always professional, courteous and respectful towards:

  • The Board of Directors
  • ATC Club Members and guests
  • ATC Volunteers
  • Other Contracted Personnel 

This includes safeguarding privileged information about Club members and being respectful of the property of others. 

Failure to do so may result in the termination of his/her contract. 


  • ATC is responsible for promoting health and safety practices for the protection of its Contracted personnel and the public. Unsafe practices will not be tolerated. 
  • ATC promotes a safe and healthy environment. 
  • All contracted personnel have a shared responsibility for promoting a safe and healthy environment at ATC. 
  • All contracted personnel are required to take every reasonable and necessary precaution to ensure their personal safety and wellness as well as that of the ATC membership.
  • It is the responsibility of each contracted personnel to be thoroughly informed of ATC’s
  • Workplace Anti Violence & Harassment Policy and Procedure.


At times, contracted personnel may be privy to confidential information and/or personal information concerning the affairs of ATC, ATC Board Members, ATC Club Members, other ATC contracted personnel and members of the community. 

Contracted personnel are not to discuss or pass on confidential or personal information unless the exchange is necessary for a sanctioned business purpose or enforced by law. Adherence to this practice will reduce the chances of inadvertent release of information.

Personal information pertaining to ATC contracted personnel is confidential. Access is limited to authorized contracted personnel, and to the contracted personnel to whom the information relates.

Personal information pertaining to ATC contracted personnel shall not be made available to any other person except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized by law.  


A Conflict of Interest refers to a situation in which private interests or personal considerations may affect a contracted personnel’s judgement in acting in the best interest of ATC. It includes, for example, using a contracted personnel’s position, confidential information or material or facilities for private financial gain or the expectation of private gain or advancement. A conflict may occur when an interest benefits any member of the contracted personnel’s family, friends or business associates.

Even if the contracted personnel feels that his/her independent judgement is not influenced by such a situation when acting on ATC’s behalf, any perceived conflict of interest must be reported to the ATC Board of Directors in writing.

A decision will be made by the ATC Board of Directors if the conflict is substantial enough to exclude the contracted personnel from any further involvement in the activity or decision process.

Similarly, a conflict may exist where the contracted personnel could influence the decision made during performing his/her job duties, and where he/she could influence the decision through exerting personal influence over the decision-maker, which results or appears to result in: an interference with the impartial exercise of an contracted personnel’s duties and responsibilities for ATC; or a gain or loss of an advantage by an contracted personnel’s position with ATC. 

The avoidance of actual and perceived conflicts of interest is essential to ensuring contracted personnel fulfill ATC’s obligations to the public and each other.


Contracted personnel may not accept gifts, money, discounts or favours including a benefit to family members, friends or business associates for doing work that ATC pays them to do. 

Contracted personnel are not to accept or provide any gift or benefit where it may be, or perceived to be, in exchange for favour or influence.
Infrequent Exceptions:

  • Small holiday gifts (cards or edibles, such as chocolates or cookies)
  • Advertising material (calendars, scratch pads, disposable pens, t-shirts)
  • Any gift that is a common expression of courtesy or within the normal standards of hospitality.


To ensure excellent service levels are maintained, contracted personnel are expected to refrain from other employment, business activity or other undertakings under the following conditions:

  • whilst on duty at ATC
  • interfering with the performance of their duties for ATC
  • creating a conflict of interest
  • deriving some form of benefit by virtue solely because of their contract with ATC.

If the contracted personnel are unsure as to whether the carrying out of any other employment, business activity or other undertaking would create an interference, conflict or improper benefit, the contracted personnel must seek guidance from the ATC Board of Directors.


ATC is committed to keeping its community informed and it is important that messages to the media be clear, consistent and accurate. The ATC Board of Directors is the central contact point for all requests for information by the media. All such information requests received by contracted personnel shall be forwarded to, and fielded by the ATC Board of Directors. The following designated spokespersons are permitted to speak on behalf of the Aldershot Tennis Club; President, Past President and/or Vice President.

No one else is authorized to speak to the media without prior written authorization from the ATC Board of Directors.


Where devices, such as portable computers are the property of the user, appropriate expectations of usage applies when such devices are used to access information technology resources, e.g. the internet. Every contracted personnel bears the primary responsibility for the
material he or she chooses to access, send or display on the internet. Devices and software may not be used in any manner to create, send, or display material that contravenes relevant ATC policies. 

Contracted personnel cannot post on social medial sites on behalf of ATC unless they have the express permission of the Board of Directors. When posting comments on any official ATC social media site, contracted personnel are expected to speak respectfully about ATC, its fellow
contracted personnel, club & Board members. Contracted personnel found to be using any disrespectful, unfounded or derogatory statements regarding these parties on any of ATC’s social media sites will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of contract. 


All individuals will be protected from reprisal, harassment or other discriminatory practices because of exercising their obligation to report a breach or suspected breach under any section of this Code when this is done in good faith.


Where a violation or suspected violation of this Code occurs, a complaint may be made in writing to the President, or his/her designate, or in the case of a complaint against the President, to the ATC Board. When such concerns are brought forward, the issue(s) will be treated
seriously and held in confidence and an investigation will commence. 

It must be clearly understood that allegations made in bad faith will not be tolerated and if the initiator of such allegations is identified, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.


All ATC contracted personnel will be provided with a copy of the Code and will be asked to sign an acknowledgement form agreeing to all its terms. If the Code is revised, contracted personnel will be given a copy of the revised Code and asked to sign a new acknowledgment form.

Following each contracted personnel’s annual performance review, they will be asked to review the Code and sign a new acknowledgement form. Any contracted personnel that is found to have reported a breach of the Code in bad faith will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The President and Board of Directors or any contracted personnel officially acting for any one or more of these offices have a direct and important role in overseeing adherence to the Code by contracted personnel.

The Board will review the Code on a regular basis at least once in each four (4) year term to ensure that it continues to reflect the needs and responsibilities and mandate of the ATC.


Any contracted personnel found to be in violation of the Code may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including the termination of their ATC contract


The ATC Board may, at its discretion and through a resolution of the Board, augment or amend the Code.

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